There’s nothing like a few minutes perusing Women’s Fashion on Pinterest to open your eyes to new style possibilities. Sorry, did we say minutes…we meant hours! Pinterest is addictive, but it’s also a tremendously useful cure for “I have noting to wear!” syndrome. Keep an eye out for pins that include something you might have in your closet, styled in a way you haven’t worn before.
And when all else fails, find some inspiring pins & hit the thrift store. Here are our thrifted interpretations of two of our favorite style pins we found on Pinterest.
Orignal Pin
Alexa Chung
Britt’s Thrifted Version
Sweater $5 from Connie’s Closet in Tahoe
Leather Skirt $8 from Salvation Army
Sam Edelman Pumps $12 from Salvation Army

Original Pin
Taylor Swift
Devon’s Thrifted Version
Brooks Brothers Corduroys: $5 from Goodwill
Bass flats: $12 from Seconds to Go on Fillmore St.
Dooney Bourke handbag: $30 from shopgoodwill.com
(matching nail color is a coincidence)